We Fearless Grandmothers would prefer to be in the streets raising awareness about climate justice and the climate emergency, but we have found useful actions to take even during quarantine.
- Many of us have signed up to help get out the vote for the 2020 election. We are writing postcards as part of an NAACP effort to reach people in states where voting rights are under attack, urging them to make sure that they are registered and to pledge to vote in November.
- We are also gearing up to host online “house meetings” to gather grassroots input on how we would like to see a Green Recovery/Green New Deal unfold in our region. This is an effort put together by many South Coast environmental groups, with an ambitious vision for how we can build support to accomplish this transformation.
- For Earth Day we made letter signs with our children and grandchildren. We sent our letter collages as a message to the Santa Barbara County Supervisors and California Governor Newsom, demanding that they stop approving new oil projects.
- Several Grandmothers have been working on a video to submit as public comment on upcoming oil projects, since normal meetings may be limited.
- One of the Grandmothers spoke at the recent forum on climate change organized by the League of Women Voters of Santa Barbara. You can view a recording of the forum here.
If you would like to join us, or have ideas of creative actions we can support, please contact us.