It's a Climate Emergency & we're working for

A just & sustainable planet for all living creatures

A Quilt Full of Climate Solutions

In April 2022, Grandmothers created a quilt for in Santa Barbara’s Earth Day. Last October, the “Roots of Resilience” quilt was on display at the Santa Barbara Public Library’s Faulkner Gallery. The quilt continues to travel as we give presentations on climate solutions to local groups. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, contact us here.

Here are some resources for learning about the climate crisis and solutions to it. When you find a film or book you like, share it with your friends. Let’s keep the climate conversation going.

Local media coverage of the Society of Fearless Grandmothers Santa Barbara.


If you are An Elder who cares about the planet and the future of our children

1 Join a Group

The Society of Fearless Grandmothers Santa Barbara is just one of many groups focused on climate. Find one near you. If you are an elder woman living in Santa Barbara, contact us.

2 Learn & Talk

Take advantage of the many great resources available online and learn more about climate change. Talk to your friends about the climate emergency.

3 Take Action

It's time to get creative in addressing the climate emergency. On our blog we highlight some of the actions we're taking.

Third Act is organizing elders across the country to take coordinated climate action--to divest from banks funding fossil fuels and to protect voting rights. Regeneration by Paul Hawken is a book & a website that highlight existing climate solutions, showing that there are myriad ways to take action to protect the climate.

The time to act is now!