In December 2024, a group of grandmothers carpooled in their electric vehicles to San Francisco to attend a “Don’t Enable Sable” rally prior to a meeting of the California Coastal Commission. Many Bay Area environmental groups came to the rally, supporting Santa Barbara in our efforts to stop the restart of an aged and corroded pipeline. Many of these groups spoke at the hearing, as did the grandmothers, asking the Commissioners to use their power to stop Sable Offshore’s reckless restart, and to require environmental review and public hearings.
Once again, the grandmothers plan to travel to an upcoming Coastal Commission meeting to ask the Commissioners to protect our beautiful coastline. This pipeline, which has already ruptured once in 2015, endangers the water in the three rivers that the pipeline runs under. Emissions from oil operations would add to air pollution. And once again our beaches and ocean would be continually at risk from another oil spill.