Fearless Grandmothers turned out on June 10, in support of a rally organized by 350 Santa Barbara, as part of a nationwide call to send a message to President Biden. All across the country people are asking Biden to declare a Climate Emergency and end the era of fossil fuels. Santa Barbara was one of over 70 cities that organized rallies.
At the same time we took a photo of the group chanting “Exxon, Begone!” — because like a recurring nightmare, Exxon keeps coming back with more permit applications. The County has turned down Exxon’s proposal to restart three offshore oil platforms (which closed down after a disastrous pipeline rupture and oil spill in 2015) and truck out the oil. The County also recently denied Exxon’s proposal to patch up the broken pipeline. On Wednesday, June 14, Exxon will present its most recent proposal to the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission. Up until noon tomorrow, Monday, June 12, you can send email comments to dvillalo@co.santa-barbara.ca-.us
See this SB Independent article for an explanation of what is going on.